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Other Services

Other services offered by Jacob Kimaryo Consultancy include: evaluation of urban development programs and projects, and provision of professional consultations and advice.


Evaluation of Urban Development Programs and Projects

We can evaluate adopted local and donor funded urban development programs and projects including plans and policies. We can also carry out post-occupancy evaluation of public urban spaces.


Professional Consultations and Advice

We provide professional consultations and advice on matters related to all our urban planning practice, urban research, and program and project evaluation services. Particularly, we provide professional consultations and advice on:


  • Preparation of comprehensive plans

  • Preparation of detailed plans  for: neighbourhood units, city/town centres, universities and colleges, shopping malls; housing estates, waterfronts, squares, plazas, city parks, etc.

  • Applied urban research

  • Scientific urban research

  • Evaluation of urban development programs and projects


We also offer professional consultations and advice on:


  • Development control, and

  • Urban planning education


Depending on their nature and context, consultations and advice could be in the form of secondment of our consultants to clients’ operational bases for certain periods, or through electronic communication. With professional consultations and advice, clients are in control of execution of urban planning assignments, with our consultants providing professional assistance or guidance only where it is needed. In this way clients can save a lot of money in consultancy fees and can also benefit in terms of knowledge transfer. We think this could be a very appropriate option for clients in countries with weak economies.

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