Occasional Sunday Articles. Article No. SPS009. Beauty Is God Given. It Should Therefore Be Apprecia
This article is short but concise. It concerns the concept of beauty, with specific reference to girls and women. Without prejudice about the difference, the term women will be used throughout this article to refer to both girls and women. The article explores the spiritual essence of women beauty, and rationalizes the need for it's appreciation, maintenance, and even enhancement. This article is particularly important to JK Freelance Group because it may help clarify to some people, why we comfortably mixes spirituality with some Pages/Blogs that dwell on beautiful and sexy women! Let us commence the article with the spiritual essence of women beauty. All women are created beautiful by God. If untouched, it is called natural beauty. Implying from the bible for example, when God completed his creation of a woman, he acknowledged that the woman he generated was beautiful! More accurate citation could be found somewhere in the Holy Bible. It is very probable that the purpose of God's gift of natural beauty to all women is to instill attractiveness in women, hence facilitating heterosexual romantic relationships in the world. It will be agreed that under normal natural circumstances, most men are totally crazy about attractive beautiful women or what are also referred to as sexy women! We are aware that at the early moments of creation, God instructed increase of population to fill the world. That would have unlikely happen if men were not attracted romantically to women and vice versa. This rather obvious postulation can be illustrated by the fact that, since time immemorial, human beings have being very concerned, sometimes instinctively, by their physical appearance, and particularly their ability to attract the opposite sex. For example, use of fashion accessories like necklaces, body jewelry, body piercing, tattoos, hairstyles, etc, aimed at enhancement of beauty and attractiveness, can be traced to almost all historic epochs and cultures. The romantic assertion of women beauty is doubtlessly classic and perhaps undisputed by now. What may be debatable is the contemporary assertion that beauty like other God's gifts to people, can be used in many other ways deemed to be beneficial to women, as long as other people are not harmfully affected. By adopting this contemporary broad perspective about beauty, women will be simply enjoying their individual freedom that is also from God. Broadening the use of beauty by women could entail for example, using it for commercializing their talents and skills, as well as accessing good jobs and personal wealth. This contemporary perspective about beauty makes a lot sense when we look at other human physical parameters. For example, if we can use comfortably, our other God given physical parameters like the brain, eyes, ears, mouth, hands, legs, etc., to enable us make social, economic, scientific, and political milestones in our lives, why should the God given beauty be exceptional? Albeit all women are created beautiful by God from the very beginning, in real life, however, things may not look like that at all. Differences in the level of beauty of different women, may always be observed by different people. The differences do not contradict with the spiritual essence of women beauty, but rather portray negative consequences of human factors on women God given natural beauty. The factors include: 1) Limited capacity of human beings in perceiving physical characteristics and particularly aesthetic features. This limited capacity is also called subjectivity. As regards to women beauty, subjectivity while largely influenced by personal opinions and feelings, may also be influenced by some societal factors like: i) Values ii) Outfit fashion style trends iii) Popular beauty physical features like big butt, wide hips, etc, of applicable generation. Different generations may have different perceptions of what physical features make women look beautiful and particularly sexy; etc 2) Reduced or totally destroyed natural beauty resulting from human factors that may cause physical disabilities and deformations. Such factors may include: i) Diseases ii) Environmental pollution iii) Poor medical and health care during pregnancy and upbringing of children, etc. iv) Alcohol and drug abuse, and v) Deliberate personal neglect, and concealment of beauty, due to lack of appreciation of beauty or prevailing anti-beauty values Because women beauty is a gift from God, and as mentioned earlier in the preceding sections of this article, has numerous personal benefits, it is imperative that it is appreciated, maintained, and even enhanced. This need for appreciation, maintenance, and even enhancement of women beauty could also be spiritually justified by the biblical verse, Corinthians 6:19, that states that our bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit. If that is case, how could anyone, including men, neglect or abuse her/his body? Are maintenance and enhancement of natural beauty not good ways of cherishing and protecting the holy temple? There is no doubt that they are. There are various mechanisms by which maintenance and enhancement of natural beauty could be attained, including personal physical and health care, e.g. proper dieting, personal hygiene, physical fitness, dressing styles, etc. It is not within the context of this article to go deeper into such mechanisms. However, within the context of the above premises, all mechanisms geared towards maintenance and enhancement of natural beauty are, indeed, spiritual. As such, endeavors within the fashion and beauty industry in particular, are good efforts for consolidating God purpose of creating a beautiful woman. It is important to mention at this juncture that despite the positive assertions about women natural beauty, there are, however, some biblical warnings as well! The Holy Bible seems to suggest that women beauty can also be deceptive! This assertion is definitely correct, because we know that physical appearance alone may not provide full description of the whole. Furthermore, the Holy Bible cautions about non-permanence of natural beauty, saying that it is fleeting, and compared it with withering and fading of the grass and the flower respectively. Accordingly, it introduces and emphasizes the view that beauty should also be seen in terms of peoples' inner selves or hearts. In strict terms, the Holy Bible seems to categorically say that, physical beauty per se is meaningless unless if it is buttressed with good behavioral patterns and lifestyle, and particularly fear of God. The significance of this biblical caution is clearly evident in the modern society whereby not all women are attractive despite been physically beautiful, due to let say unfriendliness, lack of empathy, bad habits, etc. Good behavioral patterns and lifestyle are indeed critical human features that without them, beauty may not deliver attractiveness in women. The caution is also significant in the sense that it may help people coupe happily with the inevitable physical changes of aging. (Last update: March 9, 2020)
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